Unofficial SpeedRunsLive API documentation
This documentation is based on endpoints found while inspecting the SRL pages. This page only covers API endpoints from the new API (since the one at might be shut down soonish). The new API base is available at .
Live Streams
GET /api/livestreams
Returns the list of livestreams displayed on the home page.
"data": [
"id": "12345678912",
"game": "Grand Theft Auto V",
"name": "SomeTwitchUserName",
"playerName": "SomeSRLUserName",
"profileImage": "https://...",
"title": "Some Stream Title",
"viewercount": 1234
/* ... */
GET /api/currentraces
Returns a paginated list of active races.
Param | Description |
pageNumber | The page to display |
pageSize | The page size |
Sample Output
"data": [
"currentRaceFileName": "",
"currentRaceGameId": 6222,
"currentRaceGoal": "Tower of Oannes",
"currentRaceId": "or4bu",
"currentRaceState": 3,
"currentRaceStateText": "In Progress",
"currentRaceTime": "2022-01-28T23:50:03+00:00",
"elapsedTime": 1234,
"entrants": [
"currentRaceLinkId": 12345,
"currentRacePlayerId": 123,
"currentRacePlayerName": "SomeSRLUserName",
"message": "",
"place": 1234,
"rating": 0,
"time": -3
/* ... */
"game": {
"gameAbbrev": "lamulana2",
"gameName": "La-Mulana 2",
"gamePopularity": 0,
"isSeasonGame": false
"totalEntrants": 2
/* ... */
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 12,
"totalPages": 2
GET /api/currentraces/<race-id>
Returns the info of a single race, same data as GET /api/currentraces -> data.
Past Races
GET /api/pastresults
Returns a paginated list of race results.
Param | Description |
player | Filter results by a player name |
game | Filter results by a game abbreviation |
pageNumber | The page to display |
pageSize | The page size |
GET /api/games
Returns a paginated list of games.
Param | Description |
pageNumber | The page to display |
pageSize | The page size |
sortBy | If set to popularity , sorty by popularity score |
orderBy | Either asc for ascending or desc |
Sample Output
"data": [
"gameAbbrev": "sm64",
"gameName": "Super Mario 64",
"gamePopularity": 974,
"isSeasonGame": false
/* ... */
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 20,
"totalPages": 322
GET /api/stats/all
Returns the overall SRL race statistics.
Sample Output
GET /api/stats/monthly
Returns the monthly race statistics.
Sample Output
/* ... */
GET /api/stats/players
Returns a paginated list of race stats grouped by user.
Param | Description |
pageNumber | The page to display |
pageSize | The page size |
Sample Output
/* ... */
GET /api/stats/players/<player-name>
Returns the race stats of the specified user.
Sample Output
"data": {
GET /api/stats/playergamestats
Returns the race stats of the specified user in the specified game.
Param | Description |
playerName | (Required) The user name |
gameAbbrev | (Required) The game abbreviation |
Sample Output
GET /api/bestracetimes/<game-abbreviation>
Returns the top races of the specified game.
Sample Output
"data": [
"goalId": 123,
"goalName": "16 star",
"bestTimes": [
"raceId": 1234,
"playerId": 12345,
"time": 123,
"playerName": "SomeSRLUserName"
"totalPages": 0,
"pageNumber": 0,
"pageSize": 12
GET /api/players
Returns a paginated list of SRL players
Param | Description |
pageNumber | The page to display |
pageSize | The page size |
Sample Output
"data": [
"playerId": 123,
"playerName": "SomeSRLUserName",
"roleId": 5,
"youtube": "",
"countryName": "",
"twitter": "",
"channel" ""
/* ... */
"totalPages": 3014,
"pageNumber": 1,
"pageSize": 12
GET /api/players/<player-name>
Returns the info of the specified user.
Sample Output
"gameName":"Super Mario Sunshine",
"gameName":"Final Fantasy X",
Sample Output
"gameName":"Super Mario Sunshine",
"message":"first weekly of the decade!",
/* ... */
GET /api/countries
Returns the list of countries available on SRL.
Sample Output
"data": [
"countryId": 1,
"countryName": "None"
/* ... */
User / Auth
POST /api/auth/login
Authenticates a user, returns a cookie called auth_cookie
used for privileged actions.
"username": "",
"password": ""
POST /api/auth/logout
Allows users to log out, removes the auth_cookie
GET /api/user/profile
Returns the profile information of the currently authenticated user.
Sample Output
PUT /api/user/profile
Updates the profile information of the currently authenticated user.